Monday, March 28, 2011

George and Sarah Myers

Here is the treasure of the week!  My cousin Steve Phillips provided this to me.  He is a descendant from George "Coon" Myers. 
I'd like to attach the photos to a their grave on but I am having a heck of a time finding where they were buried and when!  I spent the day Friday with my best genealogy buddy ever at the Idaho Historical Library.  I looked through all of the newspapers from Grangeville, Idaho for the year 1904.  The newspaper was only weekly at that time so there were only 52 issues to check out.  Unfortunately, I did not find anything.  But I will not stop trying.  There's got to be a trace somewhere and I'm determined to find it!  So here are the photos Steve was willing to share. Maybe someone out there will be able to give me more information on where George and Sarah died and where they are buried. 

Aren't they a cute couple?  Steve has Sarah's last name as Bisbee and I believe this is a transcription error.  I have found a marriage certificate from Clinton, Indiana and the name is stated as Beasley.  The pictures were take by Elite Studios in Grangeville, Idaho.  Enjoy the photos!

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